We supply precise and accurate data

In open and free sources of information, you can see just a little and top-part of the Iceberg. Valuable information is hidden in a deep storage of 2GIS.We supply precise and accurate data
2GIS is the sole owner of the unique databases, where we gathered information on 6m buildings and 3,2m companies.
With our sharp filtering options you may search and receive accurate and up-to-date data for your business. For example, you may download the list of organisations with a number of employees up to 100 persons.
Do you want to know exactly where your customers are?
Databases of 2GIS is an opportunity to receive complete and up-to-date information on 6m building objects and 3,2m companies.
Data are filtered in relation to your queries and needs. You receive only up-to- date, accurate information, required for your business.
We know exactly about
in 11 countries
purchasing powerful users and their interests
Geo objects and sights places
companies: small and up to huge worldwide leaders
Use unlimited volume of data
Important data on organisations: number of employees, average cheques and more than 200 other attributes
Detailed GeoData. Attributes for buildings and other objects in towns (entrance points, number of flats, etc.)
Points of Interests (POI) (sight places, parkings)
Layers (internal districts routs, private roads, coverage of the regions with clinical services, etc.)
Advantages of the 2GIS
licensed databases
Regular checking by the specialists of our own call center and by ground walking local cartographers
3D-objects, building entrances, routs in between of the buildings. We count all the details of the town objects
2GIS gathered detailed information on more than 270 towns, including satellite-towns around
Database and maps of 2GIS are unique: with precise information on 3,2m organisations and 6m buildings in 300 cities and in 9 countries will help you find a solution for many business tasks.
Addresses, contacts, number of employees
Coordinates, parkings
2GIS owns unique and precise data on cities and organisations. You may order and receive most recent data for your business from us: datasets of the town objects with different search criteria, API, vector maps, printed products. 2GIS also works on individual projects (collection and storage of any type of the data, analytical researches).
Datasets of 2GIS are a powerful tool in the sales development. You may receive contacts of the potential clients, find out more on competitors and create new territories for your business.
API 2GIS is an irreplaceable assistant to business. It gives you precise data on town objects, including new construction sites, with detailed schemes of the fences and scheme of the internal hidden routes between of the districts.
Vector Maps
Selection of the vector maps allocated as a result of the digital and vectored transformation of the satellite images.
Printed Products
We offer precise maps for the towns of 2GIS residence, made with understanding of the core needs of your business.
Individually Customised Projects
Do you have your own business targets? Ask 2GIS, and we would be glad to run uncommon tasks!
Successful solutions
  • Sales channels development
  • Support of the accuracy of your databases with our up-to-date information
  • Search of the clients in selected territories
  • Competitive media analisys
  • Supply of the address plans of the towns
  • Gathering of the detailed information on companies
  • Transport availability allocation
  • Cartographyc data supply to support design of the engineering networks
  • Online-integrations for external services and applications


Feel free to ask 2GIS any questions or leave us your phone number and we will call you back:
For Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, please contact our HQ office:
ext. 10296, 10233, 10264
via WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber, SMS (24/7/365)
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